Come Along With Me 

This will be one of those wandering posts that leave you asking how much drugs did this guy do?  Or maybe you'll get it, I don't know.  Since the fall of man we are all, in our human state, simply varying degrees of dysfunction.   Those of us that exist in the acceptable regions of our collective dysfunctions are labeled "the norm" while the one outside those regions are labeled as mentally challenged or in the further reaches... criminal. We feel better about our own brokenness when it doesn't rise to the level of others.  "I may not be able to sleep without couple glasses of wine before bed every single night of my life - but at least I'm not a black-out drunk like my neighbor..."    or "I may watch porn on a daily basis, but at least I'm not cheating on my wife with hookers..."  The fact that I don't sin like you do, doesn't make me better than you, or you better than me.  In truth, in our spirit, we all hate sin.  And it's evidenced in the flesh by the number of us who are unhappy with how we look or how we are shaped or formed.  Our spirit man sees the condition of our physical man and that internal conflict spills over into depression or anger or hopelessness.  In our Spirit we KNOW how separated we are from the presence of God.  We KNOW how cold this is and desperately desire to have that life-giving closeness with the Father.  All our flesh knows is that something isn't right. And we try to fill the emptiness with every distraction we can find. 

The truth of the matter is that at best, we are all broken.  And at our very best, there was never any hope for us to survive.  Death and destruction always loomed for us.  The law was specific - ANY sin committed by man would mean that we would permanently be separated from God the father.  Death.  But God in his unmatched wisdom and knowledge knew this.  But rather than simply allow for man to die, he took the punishment for us all. He sent Jesus (who was fully God and fully man) to suffer that pain for us.  God did this to allow man an escape from a punishment that we inflicted upon ourselves.  Without the shedding of blood, there could be no remission of sin - Jesus was sent to shed that blood in our places.  To pay a price that NONE of us could pay.  I write music to tell that story. I write music to illuminate the love that God has for us.  And don't hear what I'm NOT saying.  I don't think that I've arrived at some place that you have not.  This music ministers to me as well.  God gives me a song in my spirit and it moves me.  And every time I get up to minister that music, it moves me - to places I can't describe yet.  Its a journey that I get to take with God each time I open my mouth to sing.  I do it publicly because I just hope you'll come along with me.  


Stay Prayed Up



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