Counting On You

I got into a long conversation about creativity with someone.  My creativity in particular.  
They were questioning how I came up with things and my processes and all of that.  I know
some guys have all of these complicated ways of performing tasks.  Mine is kind of simple.
I told the guy I was talking to, most of the time I hear it and then try to recreate it.  Or I see
the "movie" in my head and then that becomes the reality.  In other words I get quiet and God
gives me beautiful things.  I can NEVER thump my chest and claim that I am anything.  Yes
God has placed in me a creative spirit.  But that's EVERYBODY on earth.  We are made to 
create something as we are made in God's image who is the author and creator of all. Your 
creativity may not be artistic, it may be in the financial or medical field.  It blows my when I
watch a guy on a piece of heavy machinary dig a perfectly square hole in the ground.  And it
has to be perfect, because if it's off, the whole structure that their building fails because its out
of balance.  I couldn't do that to save my life!  The Bible tells us that comparing ourselves by
ourselves is not wise.  Quite simply put, I can't be you.  I can only be myself. And even if I 
imitated you to the best of my abilities, I can't be the best you.  Only YOU can do that.  You're
built for that.  God has placed in you a gift that NOBODY on earth can do but you.  And we
all need YOUR gift to better this world.  Unrealized gifts leave a hole in this fabric that we
as a human race are creating.  Whoever you are, this world needs you.  Best the best you 
that you can be.  We're counting on you.  


Stay Prayed Up!



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