Out Of My Own Head

I took a look at what has changed about my writing style since the onset.  I realized that started writing more from a personal standpoint.  I wrote about issues that were surrounding me, or topics that were important to the moment.  I decided that I needed to go back to writing from where God was leading me.  I got high off the fact that people were calling me a great writer.  I started relying on myself to create.  No more.  I wrote from the word.  I mean the new stuff is from the word, but the older stuff...  ALL of it was scripture by scripture.  I think I shared earlier that every verse was from a scripture. I took the time to notate each scripture beside every verse.  Taken together, those scriptures lined up to create a clear and cohesive sermon - that had NOTHING to do with the song.  I want to get back to that.  My plan now is to climb deeper in the word and the spirit and create from there.  Its time I got back out of my own head.  





Stay Prayed Up!

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