"You have to be careful who you associate yourself with now..." a friend of mine said to me. He was warning me about who I let close to me.  He was telling me to protect myself. I thought legally, financially... cover myself with contracts, etc. Ironically, I forgot spiritually. Surround yourself with people who pray for you. NOT "yes men" but those who will pray for you and cover you spiritually. Those who speak peace to your spirit and will encourage you and kick you in the butt if you need it.

I didn't realize how tainted I was after being exposed to the music industry types who live by "if it don't make dollars, it don't make sense..."  Money cannot be your motivation for  following your dreams.  I had to empty myself of all of that and fight my way back to just making music because its what I am.  I used to tag all of the notes that I wrote with the letters UBU... simply meaning just be yourself.  No matter what they tell you and try to get you to do.  Stick with what it's really about for you.  Stay in the circle of those who pray for you and cover you.  Be what God made you to be.  Truly be yourself.  UBU

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