Who knows?

Had an interview this morning for the book that was just published.  And then a photoshoot for the music.  I'm running in a bunch of directions at once and I hope that management will iron this out for me.  Being an author and being a musician are two different cultures.  Music is about feeling and flowing in the moment, about tapping into the spirit of God that moves you and flowing with that.  Its energy on the fly and the songs move and breathe and change.  Its a rapidly moving tsunami that overwhelms the listener and the artist at the same time with this swirl of emotion and Word and Spirit.  The music changes everything it touches.  

For me, a book is a static look inside the author's head.  It can be deep and moving and engrossing, but to me it doesn't LIVE like the music does.  I love to write, I enjoy exploring the depths of my own imagination and expressing that in word.  But the music will always be my strongest passion.  Songs wake me up in the morning or the middle of the night.  They are children screaming for the force that will give them birth.  I love to create.  It gives me so much pleasure.  The plays, the books, the music... all of it.  If I don't do it, my mind just fills up with this swirling jumble of ideas that refuse to be silent.  LOL.  This is the first of at least three books.  Its starting to look like five.  Just the thought of that makes me tired right now.  

Anyhoo... here's the link for the interview.  Check it out and let me know what you think.  https://www.facebook.com/lisasantiagomcneill/videos/10218038722940225/?fref=hovercard&hc_location=chat


Who knows, there may be a couple movies off of this?


Stay Prayed Up!




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