Hear From God

I hear the “prosperity message” often.  And I know some wolves have highjacked the message and corrupted it for their own purposes.  The “you-put-money-in-my-pocket-and-God-will-bless-you” crowd.  I know there are wolves involved.  I've been at a church and a pastor that I respected was going through his speel and I heard the spirit of God say “WHAT he is saying is right…. WHY he's saying it is wrong!”  And I didn't sow into his ministry that day.  I understood that he was preaching that message out of fear that the bills weren't going to get paid that month.  The message has merit.  It has power.  It has purpose.  But you HAVE to hear from God before you give ANYTHING.  

There are several passages that the pastors usually throw at the body of Christ.  One in particular is Luke 6:38 

Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you…”

But that message was about giving to the other churches that were in need.  The ones who at the time were suffering to the point of starvation.  They were doing this to support the ministry, to take care of the body of Christ.  It wasn't so Pastor could get a Rolls Royce.  Jesus was talking in this instance about the laws of reciprication, about how what you put out comes back to you.  But he was talking about everything.  Love, peace, money, compassion - what you give out comes back to you pressed down, shaken together will men give you what you gave out.  The gift you gave from the heart to the homeless family because they had need will weigh more in the kingdom of heavan than the gift you blessed pastor with.  And I'm NOT saying don't bless your pastor.  What I AM saying is hear from the word of God first.  

I believe in the law of giving and receiving.  I've seen it work time and time again in my own life.  God blesses when you are faithful to what he has told you.  Hear from God.  And do only that.   


Stay Prayed Up



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