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Rambling Thoughts


Pastor Turner asked me minister in song this weekend.  I'm honored.  I will be debuting the new piece “Fall” for the first time.  I guess it seems fitting that I reveal this song here as this is where I get my spiritual food.  The ones who pray for me, keep lifting me up.  I know this is a good song and God is delivering me from people, from being concerned with how the music is received.  But sometimes the phrase “did they like it” is bouncing around my skull.  Then God reminds me that not all of the things that are good for us “taste good”.  It doesn't always feel good, but that message will change a life and that's the primary goal - Perpetuating God's message, and that will change the world.

Pray for me.  As I venture through this transition in my life, I will need all of your prayers.  This thing is moving along without any of my efforts and I'm not used to that.  It feels like God is just saying, “hey get out of the way and let me do this…”.  I've been trying so hard to make this go and it's funny how it's going without anything i've done or am doing.  Opportunities materialize and they are coming from all the places I wouldn't expect.  Even the way I operate is changing.  I usually spend time enjoying a song that I've written, just taking in the wonder of watching something like that come to life.  Now its like God is saying “Don't dwell on what you've done, move to the next piece.”  It feels like I'm growing more and more each day.  I get to look at myself through a new lens every day and sometimes I don't like what I see.  But by the Grace of God, I am growing.  I am looking forward to becoming what God intended.  For now, I'll just enjoy the journey.  


Stay Prayed Up!






I have been just kinda flowing through life pushing or attempting to push my music career to the next level.  I have been so focussed on that, that I haven't been really addressing things around me - other than in my music.  Singing about what I see and what I need to tell people is a good thing.  But there are times when you need to just plainly say what's real.  

I see a LOT of people suffering - usually in silence.  They quietly ooze through their daily lives in agony, doing everything in their power to hide the scares and the open wounds from their past or even present horrors.  We put on our best smiles and create the best compliments for others, all the while starving for just someone - ANYBODY to show us love.  The gaping emptiness that we must endure daily pushes us in every available coping mechanism, be it drugs or alcohol or sex or shopping or whatever we use to distract us.  I'm saying that God sees you.  The God of all hears and loves you beyond anything that we could ever imagine.  The most high God can fill every empty space and can become every missing piece in our existence.  Your part in this is believing that God can.  God will never leave you or forsake you.  He is the answer to every situation.  He is the answer to every question.  He is the love that surpasses all.  Your job?  Ask and Believe.  He will do everything else. 








Come With Me 

What's up Family! It is good to be able to get up in front of people and minister the word of God.  The music is infectious and the vibe that we all get lost in is intoxicating.  However, we can’t get lost in the vibe and the moment and forget what we are there for:  we are there to share in the presence of God.  Have a GOOD time YES!  Just don’t forget to glorify God for what we are doing and are able to do.  I often invite people to sing with me.  I love it when that happens, but I KNOW for a fact that they are singing words that will bring peace to them and strength.  I build all that I do on the principle of Psalm 30:4 - And he hath put a new song in my, even praise to God.  Many shall see it and fear and shall trust in the Lord.  I’d like to believe that the music that God has given me will bring people to his presence.  I’m go there when I’m ministering that music.  I hope you will come with me.  


Stay Prayed Up



Plain And Simple 

We are prepping for the performance at the Taste Of Music in Wake Forest, NC on June 8th.  Currently dealing with an attack on my flesh which making rehearsal a little challenging.  But you guys stay in prayer for ya boy!  I'm excited about this.  I'm going to drop the new single “FALL” in front of an audience outside of the church.  I plan to debut it Charlotte in the next coming days just to see how it flows in front of people.  I like this track and I truly hope that it speaks to people and that the word of God flows on this.  

The song is about simply shutting everything else down and letting God have his way.  Wrapping yourself in Jesus and letting everything else just fall away.  I'm looking forward dropping this song!  I'm so stoked right now because has really been giving me some HOT music that is just straight word.  Nobody can argue with because is simply the word of God and that is truth.  Plain and simple.  God is good!


Stay Prayed Up!



Why We Be Churchin' 

I love music.  I enjoy it sooooo much.  I like music that makes me feel good.  But I also have a music ministry to and I have to honest in that ministry.  People listen to the sound and the hooks of the music I write and they enjoy themselves so much.  What bothers me is that they aren't getting the real message behind the sound.  "We be churchin" is a celebration of God's love.  Its a pretty much an over-the-top praise dance that gets outta hand and will stay that way.  But the truth behind the celebration gets lost in the beat.  Its a testimony that I used to be an absolute MESS.  I was deeply hurt inside after years of events that I hadn't dealt with.  And hurt people hurt other people.  I was chained up in my sin and struggled with thoughts and near attempts of suicide.  I trashed nearly every relationship I had because of how damaged I was inside.  When God showed me how much he loved me and pulled me in close to him to cover me in his love, everything changed.  I'm not perfect.  I STILL have my struggles, but I am NOT what I used to be.  And I PRAISE God for that.  I Celebrate his love for me.  That's why we be praisin'. That's why We Be Churchin'


Stay Prayed Up





Posting the lyric video today.  I will admit that I am nervous about this song because everyone is captivated by the haunting melody.  My fear is that I could possibly be giving them watered down Word like I always rail against.  Let me clarify… I am concerned, since this could possibly be someone's only exposure to the word of God, is this strong enough to direct them to Christ.  I hear people say “I like that beat”, but does it speak to your spirit???  But maybe I should just rest on 1 Cor 3:6-7 “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.”  Maybe what I am doing is not bring people to full realization of Christ.  Maybe all I'm doing is planting a seed.  God will give the increase.  So I will rest in that.  

Stay Prayed UP!




I have been hearing and reading about casting down imaginations for as long as I can remember. 2 Cor 10:5 “ Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ…” I don't think it clicked until today. There are times when thoughts come into my head that I have always struggled against.  They have always had the power to lead me into places that I have never wanted to be in.  It always seemed that I was powerless to stop.  I always wondered why God wouldn't stop this for me? Why wouldn't the most powerful being in existence not put this to bed once and for all.  The answer is rather simplistic:  He gave me the power to do it.  Why would he do something for me that I can do - potentially handicapping me for the rest of my life?  The Bible says in Prov 8:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof”.  And that means I can speak life to something or death to something.  Either way I'll eat the fruit of what comes out of my mouth.  I am learning that when those thoughts come to my mind, they are suggestions that didn't come from me.  And I have to speak death to those thoughts - “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus” or “I bind you in the name of Jesus.” and I take control over what's going on in my head.  I speak life to the goodness of God and the power of God… and I am enjoying the fruit!

Keep Me In Your Prayers 

Went to the doc today to check out my shoulder.  Pranged it in a fall a few weeks ago.  It hurts but I'm only speaking healing to myself.  I won't speak all that I've heard other people go through.  I'm healed and that's all that I will accept.  

Only a few more weeks and we drop “we be churchin”. I'm truly excited about how weill this song will do.  I'm excited about people praising God to a song I wrote.  I'm just up for this.  God is good!  I'm still waiting to get the master back.  I'm a bit nervous, but I will only speak that it will be beyond what even I expected.  I will apply it to the lyric video and then prep to the shoot the real one.  I have a milion ideas bouncing around my head, but I still don't have the concept yet.  I know that God will give me what is perfect.  I know that God will give me what needs to heard and seen.  ‘til then, you guys keep me in your prayers!

Stay Prayed Up



The Creative Process 

I have been disscussing the creative process leading to the 4/24/3023 relase of We Be Chuchin'.   I'm just trying to give a look inside my head… not sure if that's a good idea or not.  LOL

Stay Prayed Up!



Stop Wearing A Past That No Longer Fits.  

I slip sometimes.  I make mistakes.  I'm learning the key to this is not to live in my mistakes.  There are things that I used to do that I could easily fall back into.  I'm sure easily is the word… more like I could fall back into, but they wouldn't be comfortable for me anymore.  Its no longer who I am.  Its no longer what I am.  It would be like losing a lot of weight and then putting on clothes you wore when you were heavier.  They don't fit.  They look bad on you.  If you wore them, you couldn't move comfortably in them anymore.  You'd be struggling to keep the pants up.  The shirt would look you were wearing a tent.  The past no longer fits. You'll simply have to leave it all behind and keep moving forward.  Like Paul said in Philipians 3:13 - 14 “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus…” We all make mistakes. We just have to keep pressing.  Keep moving.  Keep reaching.  Stop wearing a past that no longer fits. 

Stay Prayed Up



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We Be Churchin

Curtis Wayne Hurley

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Written, performed and produced by Curtis Wayne Hurley. Recorded at ZPI's "Steam Room Studios" This song features Curtis on all keys. It also features Andrew Robinson on Acoustic and Electric guitars and Wayne Poore on Bass

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